Hi there, I'm new here and fairly new to electrics (only 3 shocks so far!)learning fast and would appreciate any advice from some of the experts here.
I'm making 2 large ornamental wooden frames which will be lit using fair style lights (i.e. from a waltzer)
The bits I know.[/b]
I will have a 240V supply and will be using 60W SES Bulbs
1 frame will have 20 x 60W Bulbs
1 frame will have 24 x 60W Bulbs
I have made a much smaller frame before and used 1.5 tri rated cable and connected 7x60W bulbs in series on a 240V supply - so each bulb was getting approx 35W? Looks ok and I had to use 7 bulbs.
The next frames using 20 and 24 bulbs need to be brighter 40-50W
[b]The bits I don't know[/b] Can I use the same 1.5 tri rated cable and wire up groups of 4/5 bulbs in series, then connect each series back to the single main supply?
Should I add some kind of small fuse box to take each series back to?
If so what size fuses should I use? Where can I get a small fuse box (needs to be no greater than 3" x 3"
Any other ideas that might save me from burning the house down or further shocks?