Chipboard, Hardboard or Plywood?
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Chipboard, Hardboard or Plywood?

by Dastroboy » Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:03 pm

Your advice would be much appreciated,

I am looking to replace the original 10" floorboards in two upstairs bedrooms, however I have had conflicting advice on how to approach the project.

The current floorboards have seen much much better days, in one room they have been stripped (not very well) and re-vanished whilst in the other they've been painted white. Some show signs of having had woodworm at some point but we were assured from our buildings survey that this is no longer active. All of them are pretty uneven and in some cases loose, as such I have been able to inspect underneath and uncovered the piles of debris and 'builders rubble' that has accumilated over many decades.

Our plan is to eventually carpet the two rooms, therefore my initial thoughts on tackling the project was to simply lift up all the boards and replace them with hardboard ready carpet over the top, and in the process clear out the dirt and debris that lies beneath. However, speaking to friends and family the general consensus seems to be simply lay board over the top of the current floorboards using plywood to do so as it would help level out any unevenness.

My concerns are, what would be the effect of raising the floor by laying 18mm board (supposidly) over the floorboards on the doors, doorframes and skirting boards. Also what type of board is going to be best suited for the job, hardboard, chipboard or Ply and at what thickness? Having done some research and compared the prices per m2 of all of them I know I would prefer to use chipboard and one well known store seemed to suggest that it was adequate to do the job.

As I said before all help and advice would be much appreciated.

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