Hi everyone,
I am going to be installing our range cooker shortly (range master leisure 110), i have got the 10mm2 twin earth ready for it and i have a 40amp MCB for it.
I have a wylex spilt load consumer box, one side under RCD, the other side no RCD protection.
The 40amp MCB is under the 30ma RCD protection.
I connected the cooker up to it the other day and it keeps tripping the RCD.
It does note that it could cause tripping if its protected under a 30ma RCD, so they (Rangemaster) recommend installing a 100ma RCD.
If i install this RCD in place of the 30ma, that will mean other circuits (kitchen ring, downstairs ring and upstairs ring) will be also under 100ma protection.
Is this fine?
Any solutions to this will be greatfully received!
many thanks