:arrow: Modern 4 bed house, built late 1993.
I'm thinking of changing the single hole mixer tap in the Kitchen.
The problem is I cannot find a tap anywhere to turn of the hot water supply. The cold supply is not a problem, I just turn of the main right under the sink.
I have changed the valves on this tap in recent years. On the hot side I have had to change the valve working 'live' and very quickly as I couldn't find a shut of tap anywhere. I searched high and low in the airing cupboard upstairs where the hot water tank is, and turned off all taps that I could find, but it still didn't turn off the hot water.
I guess the only other option is to venture into the loft and shut of the main taps from the main water tank. Not an option I relish. From experience theses taps corrode and will either not shut off or open if they have not been used in years, resulting in more work fitting upgraded tank taps. The other option is too buy rubber bungs for the tank outlets. Not cheap at £18+ a pair!
No I'm not a plumber, just info I've picked up.
Going back to the main question. Any simple ideas about shutting of the hot water and how easy are these taps to change, ie horse shoe clip fixing? Thank you 8)