Now please be gentle with me as a newbie here.
I have replaced an old 3 wire mechanical room stat with a new 2 wire Sunvic 4101. I looked on here and it seemed easy enough - bascially leave the neutral out of the equation. Trouble is - it isnt working!
When you turn the knob you can hear it click and you then hear the pump kick in, but the boiler doesnt fire.
We do have heat in the morning, but I have a feeling this is due to the boiler kicking in to heat the hot water. During the evening (hot water off) no heat at all.
This is how it is currently wired
1 = call for heat (yellow)
2 = com (red)
3 = heat satisfied (empty)
Blue/Neutral has been blocked and left out of the equation.
What am I doing wrong? Freezing here
ps - simple answers please