by ericmark »
Thu Oct 30, 2008 9:00 am
I don't recall anything in 17th which has precluded the fitting of a consumer unit under the stairs. I know for public building under stairs should contain nothing which may start or add to fire maybe you can direct me to the regulation?
As to Part M and heights I seem to remember it refers to items likely to be used by visitors and the consumer unit is not likely to be accessed by visitors if it was under stairs would not normally be wheel chair accessible.
132.12 and 529.3 refer to access and the note on 529.3 seems to say the me if you mount the consumer unit high it would need permanent steps etc.
The only reference to stairs I can find in BS7671:2008 is 422.6 which is all about public building of special types not houses.
522.3.1 is only regulation I can find referring to water in same area which is just common sense really.
But where is the incoming supply? One would normally install a consumer unit within 3 meters and with the rules on buried cables in walls running cables to a remote location becomes a problem as would likely to need to be SWA also it would need local isolator near to incoming supply as well.
Your working from plans where do the plans place the plumbers tank if that was not on original plans then any reference to pre June will not count.
Sorry not much help I know with any luck Sparx will reply he is likely to have more ideas.