by marekbzikot »
Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:20 am
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your interest. The test method is with a electrical screw driver. My friend who has a multimeter did a continuity test on the cable which all 3 wires became live if only the positive was connected to the live supply wire. This showed that all the test cables had no breaks etc inside them. The problem seems to be upstairs in the garage and I have also noted that the knock out box has current passing through it. The strange thing is that 1) there is less current passing through the earth and neutral then through the live
2) The supply wire from the consumer unit works as it should ie Live is live , neutral and earth have no current passing. 3) if you then connect any cable to this eg via a connector block , you get a current going through L, N and earth wires. It doesn't have to be a block connection, you can get the same effect by simply touching the supply live with the other cable live and suddenly you get all 3 wires, or as many as you have passing a current. 4) this seems to be happening upstairs where the metal knock out boxes are mounted on wood. 5) it makes no difference if the supply is direct from the consumer unit or part of a ring. 6) All the fittings are MK New logic and the consumer unit is brand new Wylex
I got round this problem on one circuit which had a seperate PIR switched outside light by going directly from the the fused socket to an outside light which had an integral PIR as part of the light, hence by passing the need for an intemediary link ( stand alone pir)
The problem now is linking 3 smoke detectors, what I have is a supply going to a patrisse and then of to the 3 detectors by seperate cables . Once again the supply is fine but the moment you join another cable that cables wires all become live. This means that there is a transfer of current across the insulated cables. However I did manage somehow for a short period of time cure the situation on 2 cables by moving the wires around in the patrisse so they weren't touching.
The problem is definately not the wire as I have used brand new wire from different brand new rolls , which were not from the same batch etc
I am looking forward to your diagnosis and appreciate your help
Many thanks again