by chris_on_tour2002 »
Mon Nov 24, 2008 11:56 pm
hi kbrownie,
this is how i usually do it with acceptably good success.
if two tiled surfaces meeting at, say an external right angle the i tile one side first, flush to the corner (or you may choose to leave a 1 or 2mm gap for grouting - i prefer not). then tile the reveal - apply the adhesive then the trim. stick your first tile on and get the trim seated where you want it, then apply the other tiles. if using cut tiles, i find it helps to do all cuts first so they are ready to stick on. buys you time for subtle adjustments.
if trimming round a window i'd advise cutting all trims first and 'dry fitting' before tiling - tricky, masking tape is often useful...
i try to leave two of the trims - say the verticals - slighty longer to allow for fine tuning of the angles. cut trims with a mitre box and hacksaw. offer up the angles at both ends of each trim as often the angles may be good at one end but not the other, that way you can keep the good angle and adjust the other end for good fit.
if the trims overlap at the corner (preferable) then i mark the overlap on the one behind and cut to suit. for fine adjustments a tile file works very well on plastic trim, obviously a metal file on the metal trim. now, once you have them to your liking: MARK THEM!! so you know which is top, bottom, left and right. a right bloody pain to try to figure out which is which otherwise!
a single final edge is obviously much simpler. i apply adhesive first, then trim and first tile at the same time. this will hold the trim well enough whilst the other tiles are applied. if you apply tiles first then slide trim in behind it can tilt or lift the tiles as trim pushes the adhesive and it bunches up behind the tile. also the trim may become loose due to the lack of adhesion.
also, if using a batten you will need to cut it slightly shorter than lthe overall ength of the run of the tiles. if it overhangs the last tile it will get in the way of the trim.