by shellsattic »
Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:34 pm
Hi, I am suffering with major condensation problems. Moved into a house 1yr ago so dont really know the full history it may have, its 28yrs old. The walls in the kitchen dinner are getting very wet. We didnt know this until I cleaned behind my PINE unit and found black mould. We removed the unit which improved things, removed the wall paper and painted it with the anti condensation paint and so far it has helped. Today however, I moved my bedside cabinet PINE again, to clean and found black mould on the wallpaper here. This is the same wall but a level higher. Also in the mornings when I open the curtains I have been finding that the top of the window recess has large drips and the paper feels very wet. Is this really condensation or could it be something worse. As I have PINE wardrobes I moved them ( ? thinking is there a link with pine)and yes there is more black spores. Would it help if I kept my heating on all of the time but very low as the house is heated for 2hrs in the morning and about 5 in the eve and off all day and night, so the house is colder most of the time than warmer. Would it help if we had our cavity filled. Please help... :idea: