Glow Worm 30si timer problems
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Glow Worm 30si timer problems

by clc78 » Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:35 pm


I'm trying to help my mum cut down her bills and just found out she's paying over £250 a month for gas and elec.
I found out that she controls the heating by turning the radiators on and off, so I presumed that this meant the bills were expensive cause her boiler is permanently on.
So i set the timer and showed her the on/off switches on the lcd panel only to find out that the boiler still runs permanently and the heating works even when the panel is set to off. I then found that there were 2 switches on the pipes that have an auto setting and a manual open setting, they were set on auto so i switched them over to manual open setting to see if this made a difference but it hasn't, the boiler is still running and the heating still working.
It is a glow worm 30si boiler located in the garage and a lifestyle lcd panel located in the kitchen.
Can anyone help me out?

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by plumbbob » Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:04 pm

If the boiler is in the garage, it is likely it has a frost stat fitted. If so and it is not set correctly, the boiler will remain on regardless of any timer or room stat.

I don't recognise the system by your description. Can you offer any more details?

To be efficient, a neating system must be fitted with either a timer and room stat or a programmable thermostat. PT's are very good at maintaining temperatures, but can be complicated to use, so for elderly people, it may be better with a standard timer and dial room stat. She does have a room stat?

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by Brucey » Sat Jan 03, 2009 5:08 pm

PlumbBob I'd be really happy for your input here as you seem to know something about Frost Stats

We have a glowworm boiler fitted in our loft (ie cold at the moment) and the frost stat obviously is in use during the night but it seems that the frost stat causes the boiler to fire up all night. I can hear it all the time and our towel rail which works on the hot water system is boiling hot to touch all night as well.

We had a glowworm engineer out yesterday and they said this was happening just because it was in a cold loft but I thought the frost stat was just to stop the boiler freezing not be on constantly when the temp drops

Any help here would be great



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by plumbbob » Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:08 pm

To protect a heating system the the "standard" is to set the frost stat at 3 degrees. If all the system is in a heated area, then all would be fine but as your boiler and stat are in the loft, an unheated area, the boiler will continue to fire until the weather improves.

It is difficult to find a solution, but properly lagging the pipes will mean the stat can be turned down. I have set them as low as 1 degree before. You should consider the stat may be pessimistic and clicking in at 5 or 6 degrees.

You might consider moving the stat closer to the boiler so the residual heat from it will keep the stat warm and stop it going into panic mode.

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