Hello Hello
first post here - hopefully the last ;)
anyway - we've just moved into a bungalow built in 1961 and we've replacing the godawful internal doors with 6 panel Regency doors.
The ones [b]she[/b] bought are 35mm thick and the old doors are 40mm thick.
So - what's the crack? She has fitted one as normal with the hinges on the edge of the internal recess as you would normally do, but this means that there is a recess on the hallway side where the door doesn't fit flush into the frame as it doesn't reach it.
The options I think we have are:-
1. site the hinges further into the recess by the appropriate amount and chisel a small recess for the hinge part of the hinge :roll: (the round but) so that the door can't be over-pulled into a gap from the hallway side.
2. buy thin pieces of wood of appropriate length/thickness - secure in place with No more Nails or similar and then sand flush with door frames - which will be repainted at a later date
So, whaddya think or have we made a terrible, terrible error here?