by GaryS »
Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:22 am
The reason for starting at the door is so that the doorframe can be undercut, this is cutting a small bit off the baseblocks and off the doorframe itself then sliding the laminate under.
This allows you to have expansion gap at door instead of gaps.
You do this by using a scrap piece of laminate and a saw.
Put scrap piece at bottom of doorframe and place saw on top of laminate this gives correct height of cut (Remember if using thick u/lay put a piece of this under your scrap piece too) cut through base block or if your door doesn't have base blocks then the cut through the door facings and remove excess with small chisel, then cut into door frame using same method to set height and again remove excess.
Do not cut through door check unless you are going right through to next room with laminate aswell.
You should now have a space to slide laminate under baseblock and doorframe.
cut your first piece of laminate to suit and slide under
the wardrobe should not cause a problem as long as you dont damage edges while moving it or scratch the floor put some spare u/lay underneath to help prevent scratches.
hope this helps.
Laminate Installer