Can someone please help me with my central heating temperatures. My living room radiator fluctuates from being hot at the top and cold at the bottom, to being cold full stop, whilst the rest of the radiators in the house are hot.
We have had several plumbers, look at the system, give advice and yet the heating system still is driving me mad!
The following has been tried -
1. Turning all the other radiators off, then slowly reintroducing them.
2. Bleeding all radiators.
3. The living room radiator being flushed out and then bled.
4. Trying to balance the sysytem by adjusting the thermo valves.
I have a combi boiler and a thermostat in my hallway. Since the radiator has been flushed and the thermo valaves adjusted, the problem has now spread to other radiators, which fluctuate from being hot, lukewarm and cold!
Please help me I am going insane! We never had this problem before! Any help and advice gratefully received! Thanks