Hi - I've looked through this forum and associated projects but can't find any help so far. :(
I'm having a solid oak floor laid and in preperation for that the existing concrete sub-floor has been levelled using Wickes Floor Levelling compound. This was done last Friday but as the compound has dried out, some areas have crazed and cracked. If you tap on the surface of these areas it sounds like blown plaster. Obviously the compound has not bonded to the sub floor. Also, although I've no prior experience of this product, I did expect it to dry out to an even grey colour and not the light beige/kharki/grey patchwork that it seems to be drying to. Does this sound right? I need to reslove this quickly as the floor fitters are booked and if I miss their available time slot, I'm in deep do-do. I've just about got enough time to re-do areas but I need to know what might have caused the problem and how to resolve it. Should I use a different compound or bonding agent (I used PVA last time)? I hope somebody can give me some timely advice on this. Thanks.