by thedoctor »
Fri Jan 23, 2009 11:50 am
I'd like to go back to the post by Sparx = Erics 64% came from a statement that 64% of answers are in 'projects' section, which may be true of all headings but certainly not of electrical.
Absolutely correct, and because this is correct you will not find, now, or in the future, our 64% post appearing in any page of the electrical section. Every single question, to every category in this forum is logged and recorded. As well as being a useful tool for our users, it is a useful tool for us as it shows exactly what projects DIY enthusiasts and self builders are involved in at any one time. When we see the same question coming up time after time, we build a project page to represent the answer but because, as you all know, in the building industry there is very rarely just one answer to a question, this sometimes involves writing more than one project page, or referring any new project to other, existing projects by linking at the side in the section called Related Projects. By doing this we hope to give our users a full understanding of how a house is put together and help them to avoid very expensive and sometimes dangerous mistakes. The 64% is not a guess, it is a fact. Sometimes, we definately agree, it is not easy to find your answer in the projects section. This is because there may be more than 1 answer and this is why we gave a search box on the site. You may have to read 3 or 4 projects to get a full understanding of, for example, the various ways hot water can be delivered to a hot tap or the many ways a ground floor can be constructed and insulated. The input from all of you in this forum is great and we are very grateful for it. Our projects section gives our users a full, rounded understanding of how a house goes together and if both the forum and the projects are used together all will benefit.
If there is anything wrong in any of the projects section, or you believe further projects are necessary, please let us know through the contacts page.
When a post "dies" it is usually because it has been answered satisfactorily. We need to monitor the pages to make sure this answer is available on other pages before we can delete the older ones. If it is not, we leave it as each page is still visited from people looking for answers in google. We cannot just delete pages because they are old otherwise valuable information will dissapear from the search engines.
We will make mistakes in our job, as doubtless you have done in yours. Please point them out to us in an email and we will respond. This site is top of the search engines because we give the public what they are looking for and this means listening to, and acting on, the feedback we receive.