by LeeB »
Sun Mar 11, 2007 8:01 pm
It sounds to me as if you should isolate off the supply to the pump (remove the fuse at the consumer unit or trn off the mcb) and get an electrician, or someone who knows what they are doing, to test the pump.
I had a similar problem when the impeller shaft on the pump sheared off and the elecric motor was running, but hot water was not getting around the system.
Your problem does not sound exactly the same as you say a duvet was charred, a domestic boiler cannot heat water in a system to a tempearture high enough to do this.
On the basis that water and electricity do not mix, you really should isolate the pump immediately - you wouldn't want to leave it to chance and get a nasty and dangerous surprise! Sorry this is not immediately helpful in diagnosing the problem, but the advice is on the lines of safety.