by jackthebuilder »
Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:45 am
Hi Lynn
I built a 'court room' theatre set recently with panelled benches for judge, witness and dock.
I simplified it by using good quality 6mm ply sheets as the 'base', then chamfering one or both sides (as appropriate) of 90 x 22mm timber to 30 degrees, then fitting them together using a mitre saw to cut ends to 30 degrees to form rectangles. Then woodstain the lot.
The timber was attached by screwing from the back of the ply.
Although it was a theate set, it did stand up to close inspection (coz I'm sadly pernickety like that)!
You could use rectangular timber, then mitre-cut mouldings to edge the rectangles - like a traditional panelled door. As ever, it's not rocket science - it just takes patience and a decent mitre saw.
The big advantage of making your own is that the panels will exactly fit the space you have! If you fix rough timber straps to the wall, you can then fit the panels to the straps using some discrete panel pins.
Good luck! Jack.