I need to apply a raised strip app. quarter inch high to concrete garage floor to stop rain water blowing in below up and over door. I have some 'Gapstop' rubber sealing strip to attach under the up-and-over door and there is enough to go along the concrete as well but I don't know of any way to attach it to the floor to ensure that it will form a waterproof barrier. I intend to use the garage for storage of cardboard boxes of documents and household items on 10mm soft plastic tiles. There is no electric supply to the unit.
Form a hump in concrete render just behind the bottom of the door, this will be far more successful than a rubber strip.
[color=blue][size=18][u][b]THANKS - I'll give it a try.[/b][/u][/size][/color]
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Use a strong sharp sand cement mix, damp the floor, stick a piece of plastic along the inside length of the door, close the door and form the hump inside so the door closes on a square edge.