Guys and Gals...i've read through the existing posts and fully understand that purpose provided ventilation is required for a flueless fire...i also understand that some people think they are dangerous, but i've got one and it's installed i'll have to live with it.
My question is about the positioning of the ventilation, the manufacturers instructions say that there must be purpose provided ventilation but they're not very specific on it's location, they do specify that it must'nt be immediately adjacent to the fire as this would effect the oxygen depletion system.
I'm really unhappy about drilling a huge hole in the wall for ventilation, firstly where we live it'll let alot of outside noise into the room, and secondly, we've got double glazing, cavity wall insulation and all the trimmings, and it just seems completely backwards to put a huge hole in the wall and allow draft and noise to enter the room.
What i'd like to do is put a vent in the floor under a piece of furniture or in another discreet location and use the ventilation provided by the airbricks under the floor.
Is this sufficient, are there are draconian rules preventing me from doing this?
Currently we have nothing but only use the fire with a small window open to provide a free flow of oxygen, but this isn't ideal and i know this is against the rules!
Can someone advise me on this?