keston celsius 25 problem firing
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keston celsius 25 problem firing

by baldilocks » Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:00 pm

hi i have the unfortunate luck to own a house with the celsius 25 and have had experience with others on our estate.

the issue at the moment seems to be that it will not fire, it goes through the start up sequence but after the 4th attempt locks out, i thought aha thermo couple but it's electronic ignition, so phoned Keston direct and they said spark electrode, so after an almighty muck up on the behalf of HRP, i finally have one today a week later i've just fitted it and hey presto still doesn't fire, my meager conclusion draws me to gas valve as there is gas before the solenoid but nothing after or the pcb board as i haven't heard the thing spark (even tried it like you do with a car external with an earth point secured to it) help cause it's cold

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by TheDoctor5 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:01 am

If you type the key words of your question into our search box to the left of the site you may find the answer is already posted or is in the DIY projects section of the website. Every post goes through a monitoring process and using the search box may speed up your answer.

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