by AdamsHeating »
Sat Feb 07, 2009 12:57 pm
Hiya, in your servicing instructions it comes under "removing the main circuit flow switch"
part number: 571547
GC no: E24 077
probably less than a fiver for the diaphram.
isolate the boiler at all valves under the boiler and make sure you turn it off at the electricity supply!!!!!. Drain the boiler itself using the cock the manufacturer built into the boiler pipework, using a piece of hose into a bucket. Unscrew the diverter switch in accordance with your instructions (page 12 in my copy, Fig 1.40, 1.41). Usually the electrics fall into a convenient place to get completely soaked from the water in the switch so make sure you put a towel or a bin liner over the PCB. replace the diaphram and put all parts back together. Open isos and turn back on, you may need to purge the system of a bit of air but that is not always needed.
If at any point when reading this you feel uncomfortable get in a RGI.