Fitting heat ex. coil into cylinder
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Fitting heat ex. coil into cylinder

by Jamesrm » Mon May 28, 2007 9:05 pm

I have a vented indirect hot water cylinder that presently has an external water heater (Willis ?). I want to fit a secondary heat exchanger coil (from a solar panel) to the cylinder. Is it possible/easy to cut the cylinder on the bump on the top of the cylinder to create an opening for the new heat exchanger coil - I have seen coils that are 800mm in length and have a diameter to fit in the opening for an immersion heater. (I assume the bump is for an immersion heater.) Alternatively - is it possible to drill an hole in the side of the cylinder - say about 400mm from the bottom to accept a 15mm pipe - if so I could construct an external heat exchanger with the 'cold' supply taken from the drain cock at the base of the cylinder. (By the way I'm a novice plumber!!)

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