bosch 28 rsf boiler very little hot water in thermo shower
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Nicholas Harley
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bosch 28 rsf boiler very little hot water in thermo shower

by Nicholas Harley » Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:30 am

I have a 280 combi boiler, the shower's have stopped giving hw most of the time. boiler fires up when turned on but switches off after a short time. Taps and bath fine. Gauge on boiler single needle reads .2 ish and just above when turned on. CH reading when turned on .5? seems like its not getting enough flow? cold pressure ok taken the shower controls to bits and even swapped them over no difference. this happened over 3-5 months. any clues or how to increase flow. even stripped out thermo control with mains off and turned mains back on so no resitace against flow, no difference tepid at best. every thing 10yrs old

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by plumbbob » Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:06 am

Have you cleaned out the filters?

Sorry, but have read this post about five times and not sure I understand what you have done.

The boiler pressure should be between 1.0 and 1.5 bar. I would have thought at .2 - .5, it would not work at all, but you say it is heating the water to other taps fine this has nothing to do with the shower problem.

Do you have two showers? What is the thermo control? What do you mean by "no resitace against flow"?

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