I want to install a new bath with shower mixer supplied by a twin impeller pump located underneath. This to replace a wall mounted power shower fed down from the ceiling. The existing shower is not fed from a Surrey flange, so would the new pump need one? - so far there is no noise/bubbling/spluttering from the old system.
Second, we are happy to have a shower running from a bath filler/mixer tap, but would like a rigid riser to the shower head. I have seen one on a TV programme once but cannot find any in catalogues or web sites. Can anyone point me to such a thing please?
Third, some may ask why not fit a concealed shower mixer? Well, yes I could, but it will need excavating the stud wall to which I want to fit the shower. If I have to go that route it would mean removing a section of plasterboard from the reverse side of the stud wall, accessible, but is it really worth it? I really don't think so. But do any of you have a better idea? Help will be much appreciated, thanks