by Nanjay »
Wed Apr 15, 2009 6:10 pm
Well, I thought long and hard about this and discussed with my daughter and bro-in-law and we collectively decided I should chalk this one up to experience! the alternatives, i.e. sue or go to Trading Standards are long winded and aggravating, and to be honest when one gets older it is so difficult to get the necessary anger going to drive you to be persistent in these things. It was my own stupid fault, as much as anything, for being too proud to ask for help. Since last July when my husband died I have had so much aggravation trying to sort out his Estate and get probate and everything (and I was made redundant while all that was going on!!!) I just want things to settle down a bit. It knocks the wind out of you, somewhat. The man did put in the time and he did change the parts and those things are as they should be - he just misdiagnosed. I suppose you will say that I am leaving him trading for some other unsuspecting mug punter, and you would be right, but I just cant do it. Sorry!