by Dave From Leeds »
Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:37 am
Hi Morris,
Glad you've sorted out the wiring. How did you do it? Did my ideas help?
Anyway, onto the latest issue, you mentioned some time back that there were two radiators taken off the pipework before the manifold. Is the problematic rad one of these? Is the other one OK? I suspect from everything that you previously said about the way the system is laid out that these two radiators will still be in the pumped CH circuit so it may simply be an airlock in this radiator. Have you bled them all? I'd try bleeding them all in turn, starting with the highest ones if they're different heights. If they are all the same height start with the one nearest to the pump and work away from it. By the sound of it the one that's not warming up properly is likely to be the furthest from the pump. I'd do this with the CH turned on so that the pump will help to push any air out since the pipework goes up into the loft. If there's a bleed point on the pump it might be worth bleeding this first with the heating turned off. Good luck mate.