by pbp »
Thu May 14, 2009 11:16 am
I have used the X-Tex many times and it is wonderful. On some applications where the artex has been painted many times i applied it on thick and covered it with cling film and left it overnight.
It loosened the paint and i scraped it off with a long handled blade scraper and re-applied which then took the artex off in no time.
It does take longer to soften vinyl silks as they have plastic polymers on, so if you are in doubt what paint you have over the top then just lightly score the surface with a blade before applying the xtex and it will penetrate quicker.
I have tried lots of other methods in the past like steaming, solvent strippers and even dry scraping, but this way works much better.
I have had 4 houses now and they have all had this nasty artex in, and had no choice but to remove it all. X-Tex works best for sure.