Internal Door Size and Weight.
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Internal Door Size and Weight.

by XPC465 » Mon May 18, 2009 5:29 pm

Hello there again, to all you DIY forum members.
Having received some good advice from you, regarding the fitting of internal sliding doors, I now seek further advice on the door itself.
The door I am replacing is a 15 pane glazed, dark coloured door.
It is 35mm deep and is rather heavy. I wondered if it was possible to buy a similar door, which is NOT as deep, so that it is NOT quite so heavy.
I have perused all my local DIY stores, but all the doors for sale are a minimum of 34mm deep. Is there a legal limit to the minimum depth of a door, or is it possible to buy a thinner door. Any advice on this matter would be very much appreciated, including any suggestions as to an alternate way round the problem, e.g. lighter glass etc.
Thanks for all advice given.

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Joined: Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:33 pm

by acsimpson » Tue May 19, 2009 10:15 am

I can't claim to be an expert but as no one else has given you an answer I'll try my best.

The only regulation I am aware of for door (there may be others) is for fire doors, however for a door not to warp it needs a certain amount of material in it. I guess this is why there is a certain minimum which is used.

In my very limited experience the lightest doors tend to be the cheapest because they do not contain as much material. Glazed doors are often lighter than decent panel doors too. When glazing a door reinforced glass needs to be used, however if you can buy a door before it is glazed then it may be acceptable to 'glaze' it with perspex or a similar lightweight unbreakable plastic. If you do this however you will probably find it scratches easily and is hard to clean.

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