new garage in back garden closer to side road then bungerlow
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new garage in back garden closer to side road then bungerlow

by hdl » Tue Jun 05, 2007 7:30 pm

hi i am looking at putting a garage in back garden and have just hit all the red tape i know if its under 30square metres and 70cubic metres in back garden its building and planing excempt but there is a road that runs down the side of my bungerlow and even thaught the garage is still not between the bungerlow and the road it will be closer by 2 feet as i intended to build it close to the boundry i basicly need to find some one out there that know what the exsemtions are in this area as i am finding it hard to find info as i do know that there are excemtions to this but all you get of the planing people is hand a cheque over and we will look at it ! so help thanks harald

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by thedoctor » Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:38 am

Its unlikely, whatever size Harald, that your garage wikll be exempt from building regulations so please check that again. You do not say which area and what grounds you hope to have an exemption on. There is no-one here who will stick their neck out and second guess planning officers, they are a law unto themselves.

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by hdl » Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:56 am

thanks for getting in touch its back garden brown belt on the wirral merseyside CH460TG as far as i can tell it goes by 2 guide lines is it between the front of house and maine road it would need planing well it is not as its in the back garden , and the second criteria is will it cause a obstruction of view for drivers passing the garage on main road well in that case the road only feeds to 3 houses opersit my back garden and the garage would be part of the boundery and could not cause a obsruction of sight as its a dead end road and would be at the end of the road on the left hand side .
i would admit they will read it there way and i will read it in favour of myself but even when i whent in and talked to him over the coal store as being part of the garage after i told him the age of the house is 1927 he told me no you cont count 5 metres of the coal store then i pointed out if it was built before 1938 it is in law is part of the house and would count under planing as part he then changed his mind and sead it would count its like getting blood from a stone this is why i dont trust them i like to talk to honest people and that was just dishonest as he new the law and still wanted planing just to justify his job but i now have a problem as i cont find enough info on garages closer to side road then house on the net and so i am now in a gray area i am thinking of doing attachments to the farm when i send it in stating this so they now i do know most of the planing regs that they hope you dont know about .
thanks sorry for the response being so long
cheers harald

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