by sparx »
Mon Jul 13, 2009 3:37 pm
Darn good answers all round guys!
Taken slightly further,
PEFC as Moggy states: if potential fault current exceeds say 6kA, then Isolators, MCB's etc would have to be rated for next level up ie 10kA.
Most domestic devices are rated for 6kA.
Ze is required so that when designing a final circuit r1+r2 which can be calculated from length of circuit X cable resistance added to Ze will not exceed allowable Zs for the protective device you propose to use.
Assumed current demand must obviously be lower than main supply fuse,
this is an educated guesstimate based on potential full load allowing for diversity if any, all IET test sheets have a box for this.
(Reg. 311.1 says for economic & reliable design)
I think 'certain light fittings' is a bit of a red herring as all circuits must disconnect before over load/over temp. occurs,
N.B. All circuits must be designed so that later on in-service checks have information to check back with,
regards all, SPARX