Noisy new PRV under sink
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Joined: Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:22 pm

Noisy new PRV under sink

by rugbytom9 » Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:33 pm

Hi everyone,

I live in a 2 year old town-home. The other day I noticed water inside the pressure gauge of the Comap Pressure Reducing Valve fitted next to the mains shut off under my kitchen sink. The gauge was also reading unusually high (7-8 bar) despite being supposedly factory preset at 3 bar. Anyway, called in a plumber and he put in a new PRV after saying it had probably failed (although only 2 years old??). Everything seems to be OK with the dial reading a consistent 3 bar now but whenever a tap runs or toilet flushes an awful high pitched whistle comes from the PRV.

Any ideas anyone?? Thanks in advance.

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