by chris_on_tour2002 »
Sat Aug 15, 2009 2:55 pm
"Question, Who told you that it is illegal to install a shower?" - errrrr..... the law of the land??!!?? any work carried out on electrics in kitchens and bathrooms MUST be carried out by a qualified person. that's part of the new regulations, not sure if part p has made it into scotland yet but even if not you cannot assume that the person you are giving advice to on this site is in scotland!
"If it was why would B&Q be offering this?" - i am very well aware that B&Q dish out info telling people how to do it themselves and frankly i feel that such institutions are neglecting their responsibility somewhat by encouraging such practices, despite all their disclaimers. besides B&Q advisories DO make it clear that anyone undertaking such work needs to be well informed with regard to both the work they are carrying out AND the law. and anybody who pops along to a DIY store, picks up a leaflet how to install an electric shower then goes home and does it with no other experience or training is an idiot and is asking to get fried.
and any person who is well informed enough would know NOT to undertake such work unless qualified.
"Also installing a pump on a mian (sic) is not illegal and i have never heard of it ever being, well not in scotland anyway!" - let me assure you that it is illegal to fit a pump on a mains circuit - can't speak for scotland but frankly i'd be very surprised if it they allowed it. i suggest that you go away and check with you local water authority. i'm sure that they will confirm my suspicions, though i'm sure that somebody else on this site will happily confirm it for you first.
"I must say i will learn something if am wrong." - well then hopefully you've learned something!