OK, I've just made an alarming discovery about the electric panel heaters (all centrally controlled by relays and a timer unit) in my flat. Basically, the supply cables have perished and where their bad design has them entering the units in a tight bend, all three metal cores are exposed. icon_eek.gif So, time for their replacement!
My initial reaction is to replace them with gas central heating. Is there any reason I should consider other options? My considerations are initial cost, running cost, effectiveness and any value added to the flat when coming to sell it.
If gas central heating is the choice then I need to get a gas supply to the flat. Annoyingly, my flat missed out on gas central heating after a previous occupant exercised their right to buy (from the housing association) just before the block was fitted with gas central heating. Therefore, there is a gas supply and meters in the basement. There's a main pipe coming in, with a row of 'T' joints, each with a meter coming off. It ends in a capping joint. There's also a second supply leading straight to a meter. Does this second supply indicate the first supply is at capacity? If the first supply has capacity, can the supply company simply fit a meter or do Wales & West still need to be involved?