Fitting a wood burning stove in a narrow boat with back boiler with radiator feed under gunnels and return under floor so should thermo siphon. However it at the moment has an Eberspächer Hydronic D4 which is still wanted for back-up heating and domestic hot water.
The original system has only a very small pressurised header tank and to ensure what ever goes wrong no damage is done to the back boiler the idea was to fit a larger header tank likely out of a car or truck but still trying to work out size required.
Unlike a standard house there is no mains water so any idea of dumping hot water and refilling with cold is out so only option is to allow it to boil if there is a system failure and there must be enough water in header tank so fire will run out of fuel before header tank runs out of water.
Facts wood will give approx 15 MJ/Kg and the Latent Heat of Vaporization for water is 2260 KJ/Kg.
So assuming fire box will take one Kg of wood then the maximum required will be 14 pints unless some one can see a flaw in my calculations?
However not all the heat will go to water so I was considering around one gallon will be maximum required. But a car header tank only holds a pint or two so not really big enough.
Second is how much steam will be produced under fault conditions and can a car radiator cap handle the steam from a 27Kw stove? Maybe two or more header tanks will be required?
I am sure we are not the first to use wood burning stoves on a narrow boat but it seems others rely on pumps and I am considering anything mechanical will at some point break down.
While on the boat if things go wrong one can always rake out the fire and put it in the cut but the worry is if something goes wrong while not with the boat i.e. wind change and the damped down fire starts to burn more rapid. Between flaring up and running out of fuel I want the boiler to stay full of water.
Any ideas as to how much the heat output can change and how much steam will be produced and will it all get through the vent on standard car type header tank?
Also how to use twin heat exchangers / calorifiers and store domestic hot water or availability of triple source units? Or combining engine cooling water system with back-boiler cooling water system with either motorised or manual valves.
Any thoughts please?