by sparx »
Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:40 pm
Hi all,
you are correct ERICMARK & others that there is no regulation Directly stating no plug/socket for immersion heater but it has always been considered very bad practice to over load a device with wiping contacts such as a socket at 3000w/230V = 13.04A, for long periods.
Also in lieu of specific regs. manufacturers recommendations hold sway as per reg. 134.1.1 and in all my time in the trade I don't remember any of them showing connections to anything other than a DP switch/FCU.
BTW is everyone aware of the requirement IN LAW - HSE that all landlords are required to check that the immersion heaters thermostat also has an over temperature cut out fitted, since several scaldings took place including a baby being killed by a failed thermostat a couple of years ago!
I know Eric is aware, and it has been discussed on here before.
Stat failed, water in cylinder boiled and water went up expansion pipe into plastic cold water head tank, circulated down feed pipe to cylinder until head tank full of near boiling water which collapsed and dumped full tank of water through ceiling of bedroom onto sleeping little person below!
All landlords have a serious duty of care for their tenants!
I would recommend any landlord or tenant to have a look at the Electrical safety council's 'landlords guide to electrical safety' free download at in particular pages 4-13 inc.
sorry to be a bore but my concience is clear!
regards SPARX