by raysull »
Sat Jan 30, 2010 5:42 pm
My plumber has said I need to have a new water supply fitted as he believes my existing supply is on lead pipes and he's concerned that turning of the stop cock could lead to major problems if the valve failed (and it's old so could). The water supplier has said to dig a ditch 2.5 feet deep and have the new pipe fitted as per the article here. I have a strip of ground alongside the drive that leads to the external stopcock and backs onto the garage. In the garage I have a cold water tap that has a tap fitted for attaching a hose to. If I dig the trench in the ground outside and bring up inside the garage would the tap pipework in the garage be a suitable point to connect the supply up to? The existing supply point is in the kitchen (not near the sink unit) and my intention would be to have that pipework capped)