by ericmark »
Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:58 pm
What is easy? OK one cable with three wires so likely a junction box where old switch is and cable to new switch with backing box and switch.
Some walls may be very easy and you can drop cable down cavity. Others have bits of wood in the way, insulation or are solid walls and need a chase down the wall.
The lights may already be on a RCD but also they may not and to comply with new regulations an RCD will need adding or you need to use one of the special cables like Ali-tube.
All to often I have seen where someone has done something in their home which was hard or easy in their eyes and they tell their mate how hard/easy it was. But the walls in their mates house are completely different.
So really like asking how long is a piece of string. Although one can get a cables length but you need to ask a sailor how long that is!