by Dave From Leeds »
Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:56 pm
When you say the hot water heater do you mean the new cylinder? If so have a look at it. There should be two pipes going into it, one directly above the other, on one side. These are the feed and return pipes between the boiler and the heating coil inside the cylinder.
You may be lucky with it being new. A bleed off point, like a radiator bleed valve, might have been fitted on the higher one of these pipes near where it enters the cylinder. If not, try loosening the joint on the higher pipe on the side of the cylinder. This should allow any air trapped in the coil to be released. When only water is dripping out, retighten the joint.
Alternatively, get the people who fitted it back to sort it out at their expense. They shouldn't have left it with air in the system.
Good luck.