by BigRod-BidefordDevon »
Sun May 22, 2011 3:54 pm
Hi, I have come across this a number of times over the years and every time it has been due to debris inside the drain from the old toilet being taken out.
There have been three main causes, the first being pieces of ceramic where the pan has been broken out with a hammer. The second has been where a piece of clay collar has broken off the drain itself where the pan has been cemented in and the third is the rubber ring ring seals from the pan connector.
You would be surprised how often I have received a call after plumbers have replaced a pan to find one the above has been causing frequent blockages.
I have one question though, did u follow the instruction for installing the cistern, some have to be adjusted inside to allow for tank or pressure filling. Others have an adjustment for water volume, these may have an effect on the efficient filling/flushing of waste. However the amount of water used or not used should not be the cause blockages within the underground drain.
Obviously this is not going to be easy for you to address, not having a drainage camera, what I would suggest before u go to to much expense and inconvenience is to flush out the drain.
Either, take out the pan and then push drain rods fitted with a plunger head up from the manhole to the bend beneath the the pan and see if any debri is pushed up to allow removal. You may even be able to fell if there are any faults (i.e. offset joints) along the drain. Or borrow/hire a drainage bung, place this at the manhole end of the drain and fill the pipe with water by flushing the toilet until the drain is filled. Remove the bung and allow the water to flow at full bore, this should flush out any debri but make sure u have a spade placed in the manhole channel because u do not want the debri to wash further downstream.
I have seen many drains that have none existance falls or even slight backfalls and multiple offset joints where the occupior has never had blocked drains occur. I have also surveyed many many drains with severe faults that do not display and fault at ground surface.
Hope this helps
Best of luck