A water feature
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Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:31 pm

A water feature

by Enthusiast » Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:51 pm

I have a sloping garden and I am looking for some advise on how feasable an idea it might be to build a long water feature. It would be about 20ft long and perhaps about 3-4ft wide and built with, say, a couple of shallow terraced drops. Total drop measurement from the head to the foot is approximately 2ft.
The idea is to install a water pump at the top to let the water cascade down the length and then be returned to the top to continue the cycle. I would'nt want a pond at the end nor do I envisage any plants or fish in it. How would I go about building this?. What materials do I have to specifically get? I am quite happy with standard brick and dont really want complex staggered stones etc. Lighting is a possibility.
Any suggstions or recommendations would be most welcome!

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