As the old triple 2-way switch in the hall was cracked I have had to replace it. The 3 switches on the light switch served the outside security light, the hall and a 2-way switch for the upstairs hall. The switch was around 30 years old and looking at it from the back left to right at the top had L1 (yellow with red sleeve) L2 (blank), COM (blue with red sleeve), L1 (red) and L2 (blue with red sleeve). At the bottom it had COM (red), L1 (connected to the same red from the COM), L2 (blank) and COM (yellow with red sleeve).
The replacement 10 amp triple 2 way light switch has a different layout, having at the top (with my connections which I tried to copy across from the old switch), again looking at the back left to right, L2 (blank), L1 (yellow with red sleeve), L2 (blank), L1 (red), L2 (blue with red sleeve) and L1 (red). At the bottom COM (blue with red sleeve), COM (yellow with red sleeve) and COM (red going to the final L1 on the right, again looking at the switch from the back).
Everything works to an extent. Looking at the switch from the front (left to right) the left switch switches on/off the upstairs hall, but only if the upstairs switch is set to ON. The middle switch works as expected for the downstairs hall. The right switch for the outside security lightworks the wrong way round, i.e. it is ON if in the switch is in the OFF position and OFF if it is in the ON position.
I would appreciate help in getting the 2-way to the upstairs hall to work properly irrespective of the upstairs switch being in the ON or OFF position and to get the security light switch to be ON when switched ON and OFF when switched OFF.
Thanks to anyone who can help.