by johnseverin »
Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:20 am
Here are some of the chemical treatment commonly used for treating this kind of problem.
Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate or sodium borate with a brand names of Bora-Care, Guardian, Jecta, Shell-Guard, Tim-bor and Impel rods are all made to protect and treat wood and wood-foam c structural components against decay fungi and wood destroying insects. For example, remedial control of organisms attacking wood, apply a 15 percent or two applications of 10 percent aqueous solution of Tim-bor 98 percent or Bora-Care diluted 1:1 or 2:1 with water. This can be applied by brush or spray make sure the surface is wet thoroughly. Or through drilling, and then injecting the solution in the infested area. Inject a sufficient amount of solution to cause runoff from exit holes drilled into the infested wood.