by OttoMan »
Thu Aug 26, 2010 8:25 pm
petek wrote:I have a rainwater gutter down pipe that is blocked with what appears to be plant roots. I have cleared as much as I can but without digging up my path and replacing the whole pipe, I wondered, do you know of any chemical product that will attack and disintergrate these roots? Thanks in anticipation Pete
Are the roots 'Live' or are they just part of the usual debris that can clutter-up a down pipe? (If it's a down-pipe, why remove the path? Or, are these roots alive and growing from ground-level upward?)
Most quick-acting weed-killers (if indeed these are live roots) have been withdrawn from the market, leaving you little option other than to use a Glysophate based weedkiller? Not particularly quick-acting but it will, eventually, kill a plant right down to the roots?
Maybe not perfect, but if it's dead organic debris, try a few applications of Caustic soda? Frowned-on by the 'Green' community but worked for me! Apply Glyphosate, then when dead, remove as much as possible by hand followed by the C. soda-treatment?