by JJDesign »
Mon Jun 25, 2007 12:50 am
The first thing to do is establish for certain if possible where the leak is. To do this you need to be able to see the parts concerned, mirrors torches etc can all be used if needed do it in daylight with the POwer to the mains turned off!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEVER know for certain that a cable or electrical circuit has not been compromised.
Dry out the area if possible and try out each part separately where practical ie plug hole and waste water pipe ortaps and water feed pipes
A towel is useful to dry off elements before examining.
You can use the isolation valves if fitted to check the taps, careful if they are of the plastic type with plastic screw head keys as they have a habit of failing.
Proceed with caution and if in doubt it is for you to work out the risk of attempting the job. Don't go out for the evening after you've done it especially if you live in a top floor flat
Once you have sucessfully found the problem, refit the offending item properly.
PTFE paste for water supply and appropriate jionting methods for waste water side items [/b][/code][/quote]