Parkray central heating solid fuel
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Parkray central heating solid fuel

by esquisite » Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:01 am

Hi there, first time here and I hope someone can help me. I have been living in my first home for about a year and when I bought it it had no gas, just economy 7 heating and a parkray coal fire that could be fired up to heat the water and radiators.

Now at first I was not really using the fire and just using the economy seven to heat the house and the immersion heater when I needed water. Now this as you can imagine was really expensive but to be honest i'm young and didn't really understand how the whole solid fuel thing worked and as I was not in the house alot I didn't tend to use it.

Well this year I decided to save myself some money and start using the solid fuel system. I had the chimney all cleaned out, spoke with neighbours who sourced me anthracite to burn and showed me how to make the fire. I know sounds silly but the damn thing kept going out.

Now tonight it's been pretty cold and me running a fever decided to light a fire and get the central heating working. Got a good fire and turned the switch on the side of the fire which works the pump that I supposed would heat the radiators.

Eventually it sounded like a bomb was going off in the house and the hot water tank was boiling. I opened all the rads fully and went down stairs and opened all the taps to get rid of the heat, I also turned the pump off. (this had been running for a few hours)

Now the taps have started to run brown, only the hot water and i'm thinking the tank boiling has dislodged all the sediment and crap in there and that is what it is. Now is it posible for me to just run the taps until this stuff cleans itself out or is there something I need to do.

Money is tight in the current climate and i'm praying I don't need a plumber to change the whole boiler or anything because that will cripple me.

I hope someone knows these old systems and can give me some advice i'ld really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.
