I've just changed a ceiling light fitting in a bedroom that the previous occupier installed.
I've done other light fittings in the house no problem, my usual tactic is to take a photo of the old wiring and then copy it exactly! this time I unscrewed the metal dome fixed to the ceiling and it came down, presumably meaning the wires in the ceiling weren't screwed into the light terminals, just shoved in.
There were 4 wires - earth and 3 black wires (a single bit of red sleeve had come down with the light). 2 of the black wires were twisted together a bit so I assumed these to be neutral and wired up the light - it works fine.
Apologies if I'm being really paranoid (and a bit dense), but could they be the wrong way round? I've tried googling and answers seem to vary, I assumed it would trip the switch on the consumer unit if wrong or just not work? but some answers say it would work but will get too hot/give a shock later.
Thanks for reading