Dry rot???
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Dry rot???

by steq184 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:46 am

Am in the middle of looking at houses to buy, this house we are very interested in but have found a few problems on the second viewing.
The estate agent told me that the rear patio is a little bit high.
It is only about an inch below the dampcourse.
The floor is concrete and when I took up the corner of the carpet the floor looked dry and ok. Just inside the patio doors the central heating pipes run and are boxed in and I cannot see inside the boxing in.
The wall I found that a part of the skirting was rotted and the plaster seems to have disintegrated. Everything is dry.
If we decide to go ahead with this purchase we will of course have a full buildings survey, we will also be ripping up the patio and replacing the patio doors.
Also on the other side of the rotted sckirting is the central heating boiler, between this and the wall was very dusty and it did look like there was like a web like mould cotton wool fluff!!!

Any ideas?
I would post pictures on here but dont know how to, if it can be done please let me know how to and i will upload them.
Please give me your view and how to remedy this, is it a diy job and how hard to carry out.
Thankyou in advance[/img]

Posts: 1
Joined: Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:28 am

by kapil10387 » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:59 am

Hi steq! I wonder why you have not post any images they would be more helpful in that case. There is no such big deal in upload pics . You can upload any pic inside your post through "Img" Option which is listed on top of your post with other options like Bold, underline .. etc. It is not easy to tell exactly that what was that what you had seen there but make a rough estimate that if you purchase the house and run full building survey then how much would it costs to you. Try to consult it with a conservation solution provider company.

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