Hello All,
I am a newbie to this forum who is looking for some advice after seeing my builder doing something underhand.
I spotted him putting broken bricks and slabs or old paving into the foundations trenches of a single storey extension, which already had freshly poured concrete in there. I have been told that foundations should only contain concrete and that this type of behaviour is a sign of a cow boy builder is taking short cuts.
The problem is, this guy has already built an outbuilding for me so I was wondering what problems I could expect if he used the same method to build my outbuilding?
Also, does anyone have any idea what sort of rights I have in terms of trying to get him to dig up and remove all the concrete or whatever else he has used to fill the foundation trenches? I already had the building control office round to check the foundations after I expressed my concerns and he said we need to start the work again and that all the foundations should be removed and the work start from an empty foundation trench.
Any views or advice would be very appreciated.