Hi all.
We have recently moved into a house that has a Baxi back boiler fitted in 1998, and we would like a bit more control over the room temperature.
We currently have a vintage Honeywell T6060 analogue wall thermostat which is bang in the middle of the wall, we would like to move the stat to a corner of the room, there are no radiators or doors in that corner, so i assume it will be ok to change & move to there. Have traced the wiring & happy to chase it to where we want it.
We also have a Glow-worm RWB2 Programmer & would like to fit a programmer that has more than two timing settings, ideally one we can program for mon - fri then sat & sun seperatly with at least two programs per day.
I know these systems are poor efficiency, but we are a bit strapped for cash with just moving & there are more inportant things that need doing. We will get round to updating to a combi boiler eventually.
Any reccomendations would be appreciated.
Many Thanks,