Hi all, been having problems with a west facing rendered wall on a 1920's brick built semi.
For a couple of years or more, I have been getting mould and damp at low level in a first floor bedroom, we had the roof re-tiled with slate like tiles as the existing roof had just about had it, this was about 4 years ago, we noticed sometime afterwards condensation at certain times of the year in the roof space above the affected bedroom (beading all over the felt lining) as a result about 3-4 months ago I had roof vents fitted, this solved the problem of the condensation in the loft (at the time we thought the condensation and the damp were related), but the damp is still present in the bedroom. It is that bad, water forms on the top edge of the skirting, the wall paper is coming off the wall up to about 18 inches high, there is mould and the electrical sockets are wet and I mean dripping, with the back boxes now going rusty, it hasn't as yet affected any internal walls.
The rendering looks intact and the brick work on the other external wall to the bedroom (north facing) looks OK.
Any ideas? thanks in advance all